Monday, December 05, 2011

Sun Setting Over Oxford

Today was one of those lovely days if you could get in the sun, but as soon as you left the sun it was bitterly cold. I kinda like these days, the skies are always interesting when it is very cold and sunny during the day. This photo was taken at about 3:30 this afternoon just as the sun was about to take what little warmth was left of the day. Colours are just so interesting.

Don't forget if you are able to donate to the Helen And Douglas House Santa's On The Run event, please do so via Hannah's link, and thanks if you have have. Have a look at Fridays post for more information about this charity, Hannah is hoping to raise £100 for Helen and Douglas House, but I am hoping she will be able to raise more with a little help from Oxford Daily Photo.

1 comment:

The Professor said...

This reminds me of my grad student days, walking home in the chill from Duke Humfrey. Thank you so much for posting this!