Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Building Works At The Old Radcliffe Infirmary

This area is going to be known within Oxford and the University as the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, because it is on the site of the original hospital for the city of Oxford, The Radcliffe Infirmary. This hospital closed in 2007, and since that time the new owners, Oxford University, have been clearing most of the buildings before starting to develop the site to suit there needs. As you can see they have been busy, with this large below ground opening. Click Here to see a photo of the area taken in January 2010.

Those dark clouds in the back ground produced a lot of rain this afternoon just after I took this photo, going to be a wet couple of days I think.

1 comment:

Leeds daily photo said...

Wow, this is news to me. I had my tonsils taken out here, very traumatic and I can still smell the corridors. They were much tighter on general cleanliness back then.